Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March. I'm getting Married in March. HOLY CRAP!

Dear Blog,

Were you sarting to think I had forgotten about you? Bad news--- I kinda had.

Well here it is, March 1st. Big month.

So much has changed since back in the day when I wrote. I am now the semi-proud owner of a 6 year old Dachshund named Chelsi, whose hobbies include: tipping over the garbage, peeing on the floor, and shedding all over the house. She's great. Good thing the little monster is so cute.

I also did end up keeping that new guy from the last post around. He is now the soon to be mister Brittney Ashauer. Lucky Butt. March 26th is the big day. When I say that March 26th is three weeks away out loud I get this weird twitch in my eye. Who decided I could be all grown up and getting married?

I've been experienceing living solo for about three months now. Alli and Davin moved out in the fall and I've been here in the casa with just me and the dog ever since. Geoff will be moving in after the big day. I would suggest living alone for just a few months to anyone. Naked Thursdays suddenly become an all week event!

In honor of it now being March, I just want to give a holler out to Spring, my favorite of the four seasons. Winter is finally over, let the warm sunshine begin!!!!

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